TUTS (UK) Limited aims to improve its services to its customers without compromising standards and to achieve constructive working relationships with its clients. In the case of a complaint or grievance, which will remain confidential, the matter should be dealt with, or resolved, in-house wherever possible.


  • Day to day complaints/grievances should be discussed with the trainer/tester or learner
  • Where the situation is not resolved, the Centre Co-ordinator should be contacted verbally
  • Should the Centre Co-Ordinator not be able to resolve the matter verbally, the complainant should put the complaint or grievance in writing to the Internal Verifier. The Internal Verifier will then decide on the appropriate action and shall reply to the complainant stating the action to be taken
  • In the event of the Internal Verifier not being able to resolve the complaint or grievance, the Internal Verifier will forward the written complaint or grievance to the Awarding Body who will then take responsibility. They may call for a hearing or may simply resolve the matter in writing. Their decision shall be final

2             Prevention

2.1         Recruitment

All employees/sub-contractors recruited by TUTS (UK) Limited may be appointed in accordance with careful checks made with the Criminal Records Bureau and also thorough checks of employment references made to check for authenticity.


2.2         Training

All employees/sub-contractors will receive basic safeguarding awareness training. They will all be issued with the Safeguarding Policy and guidance documentation.


2.3         Risk Assessment

The Designated Person will be responsible for ensuring that a risk assessment is carried out in relation to vulnerable learners. The risk assessment will determine potential risks to learners and employees/sub-contractors.

The risk assessment will determine procedures to minimise any risk and will also be a means of determining any training requirements of the employee/sub-contractor.

Risk assessments will be reviewed on an annual basis, or in response to any incident.


3             Operational Practice

3.1         General Guidelines

This policy relates to activities carried out on TUTS (UK) Limited’s premises, or instigated and supervised by TUTS (UK) Limited employees/sub-contractors. Through the company’s commitment to safeguarding the welfare of vulnerable adults, all employees/sub-contractors must immediately report any concerns they may have to the Designated Person.

In an emergency situation, contact the Police for advice. This must then be followed up, when it is safe to do so, by complying with the reporting procedure.

In all instances, the reporting of suspicions or incidents must be kept confidential. All reports will contain sensitive data and are subject to the Data Protection Act. It is considered good practice to inform any persons that you intend to refer their conduct or actions to the Designated Person. However, the following exceptions apply:

  • If sexual abuse is suspected within the family
  • If there is evidence of fabricated or induced illness
  • If to do so would place the vulnerable adult in more danger
  • If to do so would place the employee/cub-contractor in danger

3.2         Observing signs and symptoms

If through observation or interaction with a learner, you suspect that abuse may be occurring, or having taken place, you must report your concerns to the Designated Person and complete the incident form.


3.3         Learners who confide in you

All disclosures made by learners must be treated seriously and, whilst the sensitivity and confidentiality of the situation should be respected, such disclosures should be reported immediately using the reporting procedure.

Employees/sub-contractors reporting incidents should, when possible, inform the relevant carer that they intend to report their concern. Employees/sub-contractors should never agree with a learner when asked to keep disclosures of a potential abuser a secret.


3.4         Allegations from third parties

If you are informed of a concern by a member of the public, or another learner, you must act in accordance with the reporting procedure, never disregard any allegation, no matter how trivial it may appear.

If possible, investigate the allegation and record any observations, maintaining observation of the suspect if practical to do so.


3.5         Observation leading to intervention

If, during the course of an investigation, abuse of a learner is observed, intervention may be required to protect and safeguard the learner.

Intervention is defined as being any direct action which is taken to safeguard the learner over and above observing the suspect or merely completing the report form. Intervention will only occur when observation of the suspect has confirmed the need for direct action.

If intervention is required, it will be in response to a very obvious incident, for example physical assault. The nature of the incident will dictate the response and action.

Where possible, the police should be summoned to intervene. However, if a delay would place the learner in further danger, employees/sub-contractors should take the appropriate action.

Anyone intervening MUST NOT place themselves at risk and must only use “reasonable force” as a last resort.

Once the appropriate action has been taken, the incident must be immediately reported to the Designated Person and the report form duly completed.

In appropriate cases, and where it is safe to do so, the individual concerned should be made aware that their conduct or actions are unacceptable and are giving cause for concern.

Do not attempt to restrain the individual or get involved in any physical contact.



Your first responsibility is to safeguard the vulnerable learner. Therefore any concerns about a colleague must be recorded and reported to the Designated Person.

Do not disclose the fact that you are making a report to the individual concerned, or any other colleagues.



You must remember that when an allegation is made against an employee/sub-contractor that you remain impartial. Each case must be determined on its own merits. Where an allegation has been made, the removal of the employee/sub-contractor from the course/work they are taking (either temporarily of permanently), is to be made depending on the circumstances of the allegation.



After an allegation is made, and investigated, there is likely to be strong feelings amongst employees/sub-contractors and, possibly, a wider community, all of which need to be addressed.

There are likely to be issues of:

  • Communication (whether rumour or fact)
  • Guilt and blame
  • Impact – on individuals, or the nature of what occurred, and to whom
  • Gaps in the organisation

Careful consideration will need to be given to the sharing of information and the provision of appropriate support.



All employees/sub-contractors have the right to work in an environment that is free from harassment and bullying.  Any allegation of harassment and/or bullying will be taken seriously, investigated in full and dealt with in accordance with the legislative procedure.



Employees and sub-contractors are able to share, in confidence with the Designated Person, concerns they have about a colleagues behaviour.

These concerns may be linked to vulnerable adult protection or behaviour beyond acceptable limits.

TUTS (UK) Limited is fully supportive of “whistle-blowing” for the sake of the vulnerable adult and will provide support and protection to those who “whistle-blow”.

Whilst it is difficult to express concerns about a colleague, it is important that the concerns are communicated to the Designated Person. All employees/sub-contractors are encouraged to talk to the Designated Person if they become aware of anything which makes them feel uncomfortable in accordance with the Whistle Blowing Policy.




Disciplinary Procedure

Appeals Procedure

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act Exceptions Order 1974